Student Teacher

Hailey Porter
Emphasis Area: 
Partner Agency: 
Internship Location: 

Supervising Practitioner

Mrs. Davida Noble

Why I Teach Agriculture

Each and every day from this point forward, I get to make my dream a reality. I get to grow alongside students of all different backgrounds and help them find their passions and dreams, just like my teacher, Mr. Dinges, did for me. I get to give those shy students, like I was, that nudge that they need to keep challenging themselves, to be better than they were the day before. However, more than anything I get to make a positive difference in the lives of my students by being their mentor, their guide, and most importantly their number one fan. Agricultural education chose me long ago without me realizing it and now I couldn’t find a better place in this world to devote more time to. My passion outgrew my setbacks, and I am finally in a place in life where I can’t think of a better place to call “work”. In the end, I chose agricultural education because I believe that every student has their place in the classroom no matter where they are heading after their time in school has come to an end. I want to help students develop their passions, skills, and mindset to be the most prepared that they can be for a successful future.