AGTE: Agricultural Technology Management Emphasis
This option offers training in agricultural technology, communication, business, and economics. Students completing this option gain hands-on experience in developing skills in areas such as welding, plasma cutting, woodworking, electrical wiring, equipment operation, plumbing, irrigation, concrete, surveying, small gas engines, and solar energy technology.
AGTE: Leadership and Communication Emphasis
The Leadership and Communication option prepares students to become effective leaders, ambassadors, and/or advocates for the agricultural industry at local, state, national, and international levels. Students pursue a course of study that is multidisciplinary providing them with a strong foundation in the agricultural sciences and natural resources, as well as transferable skills in leadership and communication.
AGTE: Teaching Emphasis
The programs of study in agricultural education prepares students for entering careers in teaching agricultural education in 9th-12th grade classrooms. These positions require preparation in basic sciences, technical agriculture, knowledge of the principles and techniques of the teaching-learning process, communication skills and the ability to work with people.
Agricultural Systems Management (Yuma)
The Agricultural Systems Management (ASM) option is a unique academic program designed to meet the educational needs of a specialized agricultural economy in Yuma County. Major coursework is composed of business and management related classes and agricultural systems and plant sciences courses.
Agricultural Technology Management and Education (AGTE) Core Requirements
Students enrolled in the AGTE major will take the following courses. For courses specific to each emphasis option, click here.
AED 195A Introduction to Agricultural Education
AGTM 100 Principles and Practices in Agricultural Mechanics
AGTM 350 Applications in Agricultural Mechanics
AED 310 Youth Leadership Development
AED 437 Methods of Facilitating Learning
ALC 422 Communicating Knowledge in Agriculture and the Life Sciences
AGTM 330 or AGTM 351 or AGTM 200 Agricultural Mechanics II
ECON 200 Basic Economic Issues
ACCT 200 Introduction to Financial Accounting
ENVS 200 & 201 Introduction to Soil Science Lecture and Laboratory
ENTO Entomology Course
Fulfill Major and Minor Requirements with AETI
See how AETI courses hit the mark for your major or minor requirements with the help of our Academic Advisor, Breanna Watkins!