Student Teacher

Samantha Saldaña
Emphasis Area: 
Partner Agency: 
Internship Location: 

Supervising Practitioner

Mrs. Kerilyn Brothers

Why I Teach Agriculture

I believe that educators in any field make an impact on the lives of their students, but I have never seen a program like an Ag Ed program. The ability to see students grow up for four whole years, the chance to give opportunities to students they may not have otherwise, the opportunity to give students a home, and most importantly, the joy from teaching students about the joys and discomforts of agricultural life. When I say I want to teach to give back, I do not mean that in a general sense. I want to give back because I was given so much by my educators. I feel like the best way I could give back to my teachers is to go and be the happiest and truest version of myself. I cannot see myself being happy unless I am able to offer the same care and consideration to students that was offered to me, and the best place I can see myself doing that is in the Agricultural Education classroom. Building up the next generation of leaders in the most important field in existence is not an easy thing, but it is a challenge I want to face. I know it will be hard, and I know some days I will feel like it's a thankless job, but if I can be what my past teachers were to me to even just one other student, then I will feel like I have given back. I want to care for students because I was cared for. I want to share the knowledge that was shared with me. I want to inspire self sufficiency, because I was inspired. I want to teach, because I was taught.