Small Business Development

Eric A. Duarte Rios
Partner Agency: 
Mobile Tread and Tire Service
Internship Location: 

Why did you choose your internship?

I chose this internship because it gave me the opportunity to focus on a field that I'm very interested in. It also gave me the opportunity to gain experience and improve on things that needed improvement. Mobile Tread and Tire Service gave me an amazing hands on opportunity to work directly with customers and develop new goals for my own businesses growth.

What did you gain from your internship experience? 

With Mobile Tread and Tire Service, I was able to gain hands on experience with working with a local small business that provides an amazing service to its customers. I was able to work on areas that needed improvement within my communication and organization. I was also able to develop new goals for Mobile Tread and expand on how the day to day operations go.

What factors influenced your decision to choose this experience for your internship? 

The main factors that contributed to my decision were working for a local small business that is mobile and service based. Working hands on in an area that interests me and allows me to challenge myself each day. The last factor and the main one was working on something that I really cared about while still staying on track with graduation and my other classes.

What advice do you have for other students as they search for their internship?

My advice for students that are completing internships is to ask questions constantly and learn as much as you can. insert yourself in situations to gain the most experience for real world problems/solutions in the workplace. Internships should be a way for you to gain experience and also have fun while doing it. Its a great opportunity to have so make the most of it!

How has your internship experience influenced your plans for your future? 

Because I have a business of my own, this internship allowed me to develop a new way of creating goals for my business and following through on the execution of those goals. Taking what I gained from this internship, I know that I'll be able to increase my work load and be successful in the future. This internship opened my eyes on what I can do and I'm ready to apply it to my every day life.