College Recruitment

Danielle Frey
Internship Location: 

Why did you choose your internship?

I wanted to speak publicly about something I am passionate about. It helped me get over my fear of public speaking while allowing me to meet with people outside my major. This was also a good way for me to gain leadership experience as I also helped with the SBS ambassadors!

What advice do you have for other students as they search for their internship?

I want everyone to realize that what they want is out there. Even if it isn't being advertised or on a website, there still might be opportunities. If you're interested just go and ask! They might want people to come in and ask about their company or positions and be willing to become a mentor! I also want people to know that they won't be limited to a single career field just because of the major/internship they choose! Whatever skills you can gain, can be used in other settings!