Student Teacher

Emma Troub
Emphasis Area: 
Partner Agency: 
Internship Location: 

Supervising Practitioner

Mr. AJ Argueta

Why I Teach Agriculture

Growing up, I bounced around with many different ideas for my future career. I went into my Freshman year of high school convinced I was going to be an architect and no way was ag going to change that. Wouldn't you know it, by the time sophomore year hit, I had changed my mind. Throughout high school I was a very shy and reserved student. However, my ag teachers and chapter officers were constantly pushing me to do more. They helped me slowly break out of my shell and become who I am today. I owe so much of my life to them, and I hope I can also have an impact on my students, whether that impact is big or small. I hope I can lead them toward their passion and help them grow themselves.