Student Teacher

Kaylin Buzard
Emphasis Area: 
Partner Agency: 
Internship Location: 

Supervising Practitioner

Ms. Taylor Bird

Why I Teach Agriculture

Agricultural Education combines all of my interests which makes it an undoubtedly prominent career choice. I am sure we have all heard of the saying “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” However, I prefer the saying, “Choose a job that you love, and you will work harder than you ever have before.” I do not want to be an agriculture teacher because it would be fun or easy. I know that being a teacher will challenge me in unimaginable ways. Being an agriculture teacher is so much more than just teaching content. Agriculture teachers are mentors, supervisors, advocates, event planners, accountants, and most importantly they are lifelong learners. It is impossible to adequately put into words how my ag teacher, Mrs. Reynolds saved my life but because of what she did I now have the chance to change someone’s life the way she changed mine. It is incredible how little moments that seem insignificant are the ones that matter most.